アロンゾ・カノ / Alonso Cano Saint John the Evangelist's Vision of Jerusalem
ジャンバッティスタ・ティエポロ Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista 1696 - 1770 Saints Augustine, Louis of France, John the Evangelist and a Bishop Saint
ディエゴ・ベラスケス Vel?zquez, Diego 1599 - 1660 Saint John the Evangelist on the Island of Patmos
ジョバンニ・バッティスタ チーマ・ダ・コネリアーノ Cima da Conegliano, Giovanni Battista about 1459/60 - about 1517/18 The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Evangelist(?) and Saint Nicholas
ザノビ・マキアヴェリ Machiavelli, Zanobi about 1418 - 1479 Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist
ジョヴァンニ・ダル・ポンテ Giovanni dal Ponte about 1385 - 1437 The Ascension of Saint John the Evangelist: Main Tier Central Panel